Licensee: Batch Import

Import Select People from the left menu, then click on the Import button on the bottom of the screen. Batch Import Page This window is where you will select the pictures and the associated XLSX file for the school. You will also be selecting how this info will be...

Licensee: ID Cards

Setting Up ID Cards for Schools This tutorial is for if you chose to let a school create ID Cards to either print themselves, or order from you. In order for a school to be able to create IDs, a Licensee must first fill out the ID Template Form (including the...
The Importance of Team Communication

The Importance of Team Communication

The Importance of Team Communication Whether it’s in the board room or at a PTA meeting, effective communication is everything. You know when it’s working, and you definitely know when it isn’t. Here are a few things you can do to help your team...
What If My Child Goes Missing?

What If My Child Goes Missing?

What If My Child Goes Missing? Jason (a former California police officer) talks about what happens if your child vanishes, and what steps you can take now to protect your child BEFORE an emergency. A missing child is one of the most terrifying things any parent can...

Admin: Overview

Click ‘Admin’ Once you’ve logged into your school’s AcadeMap page, click the Admin icon on the left-hand menu. Overview This is the Admin panel. Here you can change details about your organization. NOTE: changes made here are global and may...

Admin: Invite Users/User Permissions

Select “Users” In the Admin panel, click the “Users” tab in the top left corner to switch to the Users view. User List Here you will see a list of all suite users. Select a User to edit their permissions. If you want to add a new User, click...

People: Overview

Click ‘People’ Once you’ve logged into your school’s AcadeMap page, click the People icon on the left-hand menu. Overview The People section is the heart of your school’s AcadeMap account. Here you can search, sort, edit and add people....

People: Add or Edit A Person

Add New Person To add a new person to your school, click “Add Person” on the bottom bar. Add Details This is the Add Person window. First, select which type of person is being added: Student, Teacher, or Team. Fill out all relevant information for this...

People: Manage Groups & Classes

Click ‘Groups & Classes’ To add or edit groups and classes for your school, click “Groups And Classes” on the bottom bar. Manage This is the Group & Class Management window. Select Groups or Classes at the top to view either category....

People: Bulk Actions

Select Multiple People Check the boxes next to the people you wish to select. If you want to select everyone in your current view, click “Select All” at the bottom bar. NOTE: if you are not using filters when you click this button, it will select everyone...