(Click images to enlarge)
In your document, click ‘Add Element’ and then select ‘Barcode’.
(NOTE: if you are creating an ID, make sure to have the ‘ID Cards Landscape’ or ‘ID Cards Portrait’ preset selected so your canvas is the correct size.)
Click and drag your barcode to place it where you want.
You can also use the ‘Top’ and ‘Left’ dials in the General settings tab to precisely position the barcode.
Uncheck ‘auto’ on the Height and Width settings and input a height and width that will provide enough space for your barcode to fit and be readable. The box around your barcode will expand.
(NOTE: you will have to experiment with the size of your barcode to determine how big it needs to be for your barcode reader to scan it. After you’ve finished your barcode, be sure to print and test it!)
Under ‘Text Alignment’, select ‘Center’ to center your barcode.
Minimize the ‘General’ settings tab and select the ‘Bar Code’ settings tab.
In the ‘Bar Code’ settings tab, change the Size of the barcode to fit in the box.
You can also show the student ID number above the barcode by checking ‘Show Student ID’.
Remember: the size of your barcode will depend on the quality of your school’s barcode scanners and the length of their student ID. Make sure to test it by printing!
You can modify the font of the student ID number with the font settings in the General settings tab.
Note that color, font, and size changes made in the General settings tab of a barcode only affect the student ID number, but Text Alignment affects both the barcode and the ID number.