Send News & Events
Better than email.
Emails are more likely to be ignored or lost in a cluttered inbox; millennials in particular prefer messaging apps and texting for instant communication. Mobile push notifications are one of the best ways to boost engagement– use them in News & Events to keep everyone connected.
Sources: Localytics, Forbes
Leaders can post to their group(s)
Ideal applications: teachers posting to parents, coaches creating practice reminders, staff meeting updates, or any group-based need.
Admins can post to whole organization
Admins can post to multiple groups or everyone at once. This is perfect for school-wide news, emergencies, or general announcements.
Skip Email Inboxes
No spam filters or ignored emails: notifications are sent directly to users’ phones.
Increase Engagement
Improved communication leads to better rates of participation.
Stay Connected
Never miss out on another event or important news. See and share everything in one place.
All upcoming events in one place
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