Invite Email
A Licensee invite email will be sent to you from AcadeMap. Click on the Accept and Join link to create your account.
Account Detials
Create your account using your company name as the “Name” and your cell phone (for security verification), along with a valid password which needs to be a minimum of 8 characters and include at least 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, 1 number and 1 special character: ^$*.[]{}()?-\”!@#%&/\\,<>’:;|_~`
Email Verification
After you create your account, a 6 digit verification code will be sent to your email. Enter this code and click on VERIFY ACCOUNT.
Next click on the LOGIN button.
First Time Login
Login using your the email and password you chose when creating your account.
You will then be prompted to enter a 6 digit verification code that was sent to your cell phone. This security code is to verify the device you are using (i.e. your computer). You will only have to enter this once, unless you switch devices, or empty your browser’s cache, or update/change your current browser.
Click OK and Login.
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